Portrait of Irina Lankova in La Libre Belgique 'La beauté me sauve'

Brussels has become a second home for this young Russian pianist. Here, she quietly develops her dream… With some recitals, very personal, a recent release of a disc, a diligent presence at the concerts – generally with other friends musicians, Russians in particular -, the young Irina Lankova made herself well noticed in the Brussels musical circle.

By nature, the young pianist seems discrete, ‘timid’ one might even think, unless her smile didn’t regularly reveal her reserve; with her interlocutors – or her public, to whom she likes talking to during her recitals – she gets directly to the point, without raising her voice, with the ability to synthesize and a poetic radicalism that surprises. Her French is perfect.

To read the entire article in French

La Libre Belgique / Martine D. Mergeay / Interview / April  2005